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Bureau, Putnam & Marshall County Health Departments report a COVID-19 death in Putnam County


Studstill Media

The Bureau, Putnam & Marshall County Health Departments regret to report the Covid-19 related death of a Putnam County male in his 60’s. This brings the total number of Covid-19 related deaths in the Bureau, Putnam & Marshall County Health Departments’ service area to eighty-eight. There have been seventy-two Covid-19 related deaths in Bureau County, thirteen in Marshall County and three in Putnam County.
On behalf of the entire staff at the Bureau, Putnam and Marshall County Health Departments, I extend our deepest sympathy to the family and friends of this victim of Covid-19.” Said Hector Gomez, Administrator of the BPMHCD.
Despite the progress of the Covid-19 vaccination process, we continue to need everyone’s cooperation in order to further reduce the spread of this disease until medical interventions become widely available. The only way to accomplish that is to follow the guidelines.”
Gomez continues to reminded residents to remember to stay at home whenever possible and, when you must go out, make sure that you:
• Distance. Distance. Distance.
• Wear a facemask or other face cover in public, especially when distancing is not possible

• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcohol based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
• Avoid crowds and large gatherings, especially if you see that people are not following guidance for distancing and masks.
• Avoid any locations where employees or staff are not following guidelines and/or not encouraging customers and patrons to do the same.



Online Forms are available to Bureau, Putnam, and Marshall County Phase 1b Essential Workers and Individuals 65+ to provide information in a fast and efficient manner. This, however, DOES NOT CONFIRM a vaccination appointment time. It guarantees that you will be contacted in the future by the BPMHD.

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