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Bucket List Filled at Chick-fil-A

Chick-fil-A employees in Houston helped a guy with terminal cancer cross something off his bucket list.  He and his wife have been to every state capital except Juneau, Alaska.  And he can’t make it there himself at this point. So they took the couple’s wedding photo from 52 years ago, and photoshopped it into different locations all over the city.  Then they turned the whole thing into a scrapbook for him.

Pizzeria Owner Finds Donor

The owner of a Brooklyn pizzeria is in the news after helping a customer get a new kidney.  The place is Lucali.  The owner’s name is Mark Iacano.   Someone who frequents the place had end-stage kidney failure, so Mark blasted it out to his 245,000 Instagram followers. The person who needed the kidney also managed to get Jessica Alba to post about it.  But it was Mark who found the donor.  Another longtime…

Honorable Service Finally Recognized

The Pentagon announced more than 800 veterans who got kicked out during “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” will finally receive honorable discharges. From 1994 to 2011, the military’s official policy was that OPENLY gay people couldn’t serve.  So you couldn’t admit you were gay or bisexual. An honorable discharge unlocks access to all kinds of benefits like health care, tuition assistance, and V.A. loans.