Peru ice rink to open soon

PERU – The ice rink in Peru will be ready for skaters soon. For now, Peru officials are asking skaters to stay clear of the rink at Washington Park to let the water freeze over these next

The Masters to allow LIV golfers to compete in 2023

Augusta National Golf Club announced Tuesday that LIV golf participants who qualified for the 2023 Masters Tournament will be invited to compete, ending speculation that the criteria would be changed for the PGA Tour defectors. Augusta National

Thief breaks into home of Robert De Niro’s NYC home

A woman was caught red-handed in Robert De Niro’s Manhattan townhome rental fumbling with his iPad.  Authorities were already keeping a close eye on her as she had been spotted trying to open doors to commercial buildings

Top 10 Christmas movies of 2022

What movies have been on your must watch list this holiday season?  According to a study by Samba TV, a TV tech company that offers analytics, the top 10 may surprise you! 10. The Holiday 9.  How